I'm Janine Saal, unmarried
with a son aged 23, and live
with my partner in 7deLaan.
I had no knowledge about
The Mama Project, had never
heard of it until i moved to 7deLaan
in May and joined the ladies group (HOSA) & there I was encouraged to join The Mama Project. I did to experience what got all the 7deLaan ladies so excited.
I would love to see participation from more women from all over the Cape Peninsula, as this project has the potential to unite women from all different races, social backgrounds, etc., unite and together we can do our bit to break barriers and unite and show the world what the women of Cape Town are capable of.
I’m Kathy from Standfontein.
I got involved in the Mama
Project because it teaches
me to stay focused and
respect others. It means so much
to me because I meet people from different cultures.
The Mama Project has impacted the women in Strandfontein by creating a respect for one another and a closeness. My biggest dream is to never step back and to never give up.
The potential I see is for the mamas to come together more often.
Auntie Kathy